Sunday, August 12, 2018

Eid Special Feeling We should Acknowledge

Baba Baba!
       Three days are left to the feast, the sacrifice. We will get the meat right? Baba: why Yes Yes No prohibitions for men. "but we had no meat, a previous Baba on Eid, now, is also seen meat year, not hungry, not us, my lovely daughter shazia: Allah has, in all situations, should be grateful to the doctor For large animal sacrifice, and the master brought Mr. g also took the kid to the poor, we are offering trade, rich people eat only the flesh of the flesh are all year is today at عیدالضحٰی people don't forget poor sacrifice are described۔

      There are a lot of these rights should she pray he knew was also the father of good days، after waiting around the clock so far did not meat, large.

 A girl dialect spoken by her sister
   Baba says... don't narrow the shazi جاٶ
Baba quiet.  
      He hearth the words of the two in silence, and even after a long time I have been ignored when not from anywhere it. "she was the mother of language.  Listen to that we have onions tomatoes cut also so that we can make preparation for the real meat to cook in a while.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The formula of breaking down the Super Power

Uncle Sam (United States) using primarily on three sectors. 

1. The religious establishment that the religious community is assured of the field that.

        The State infidel and falsehood that is against Muslims. The enemy of Islam and the disbelievers friend.   After that, he moved the gun battle against the State and the whole is provided for his help.

       In this class, the majority of the victims, dangerous, tough fighters willing to go against but is walking mind will told them that the State Liberal Party women's freedom and freedom of expression, freedom of choice is skeptical.

        The existence of the State itself is insignificant compared to those freedoms. If you state there is also achieved, it is the SOP that in fairy gold.  These people are very few in numbers and very dexterous. In fact, they have nothing to do with this type of freedoms and the majority of them just to meet their selfish concerns purposes against the State is living. You truly can say traitor.  Run away from the war, this practical, but do not have your tagline poison.

Assets of Pakistan Bureaucrats

Einsatz in verschiedenen Unternehmen von Shahbaz Sharif mit Detail Offizier Gehälter

 Quaid-e-Azam Cheema,

S. Ahad Khan Kamp thermische Energie,

 PA 74 Tausend bis 1,

9 m Gehaltstabelle: 152 19-Monat für Khalid Pervez, p. M. s.

 RS 422 52 tausend 500.000 monatliche Gehaltstabelle 17,

 primäre und sekundäre Gesundheit :

 Kmpinty Fislitis Gesundheitsmanagement Punjab Muhammad Ali Amir,

 Tarifgruppe: RS. 6 Lakh SMS PC; 19; 

PC Muhammad Sabine Monatsgehalt RS. 4 Lakh 50 monatliche SMS Richter-Skala 18,

Dr. Nadeem Sohail. RS. 3 Lakh, Zahlen monatliche Bevölkerung wohl Punjab Bevölkerung

: 20 skalieren Innovation Fondsgesellschaft   Jawad Ahmad Qureshi; 

Sakertirat RS. 7 Lakh,

Pay monatlichen Planung und Entwicklung Gruppe, Richter-Skala 19:

 Punjab Skles Entwicklung Firma Ali Sarfraz Hussain finanzieren; d RS 4 Lakh,
250 Tausend 29 19 Skala,

Goldwyn monatlichen Planung & Entwicklung Zahlen:

 urban planning & Management Services-Einheit, ein Unternehmensbereich Dr. Nasir Javed Termine der Juniorenfirma Biorokrits 9

Richter-Skala, zahlen 20 PA 8 Lakh RS 80 (Ordination im Jahr 2012) Gehalt Skala 18 Audit Officer Ali 

When Imran Khan and Jimima Khan Kamra stood in the court hearing

First the judge said: what was the matter with his judge?

Judge to Imran Khan :-
        The half estate property was expected to be around 12,000 billion - (At this time Pakistan's Tire Sagal and the total property of Munisha was two hundred thousand billion)

Imran Khan to Judge :-
          I don’t need that.
When the judge looks at Imran, he asks Jimma that you took divorced divorce from a better person.
Imran Khan If I do not want to divorce me in London -

Judge to Imran Khan -
        Why do not you live in London?

Imran Khan to Judge :-
          I want to do something for my dear country, Pakistan because it is a lot of poverty, ignorance and injustice. Judge judge Why do not you stay in Pakistan? Review- Pakistani politicians make false allegations in me and even though I also started smuggling on me - (this case Nawaz Sharif had made Imran Khan to pressure him)

Judge to Imran Khan :-
        But the children will stay with the mother. So Imran Khan said I also want to be the best woman to take care of my kids. Listening to me Imran Khan was confiscated and Judge was standing in the greatness of the house.

  Judge Review :-
         I also feel sad that you were separated from a great person. Imran and the other people looked at each other and in this case the judge declared divorce. And then, Imran and Jimma's eyes started talking with tears.

Eid Special Feeling We should Acknowledge

Baba Baba!        Three days are left to the feast, the sacrifice. We will get the meat right? Baba: why Yes Yes No prohibitions for men...